Friday, August 13, 2010

KavidiKali Beta 1.2 Released.

Hi There,

We are glad to announce the 3rd Major release of KavidiKali, The Beta 1.2.
Beta 1.2 is the final major release in 1.x series, next is Beta 2.0

Beta 1.2 Includes Improved user messages, Shows current player and fixes some defects (Special Thanks to the defect finders :) )

So please spend some of your spare time in and let us know what you like/dislike about the new version. Your inputs will decide what will go in to Beta 2.0



  1. We are looking forward to hear from you, could you please spare a few minutes to share your thoughts on KavidiKali Beta 1.2 as replies to this comment?

    Also please feel free to tell us what you want in Beta 2.0.

    Thank you very much.

  2. Hi Dhanan,

    Thanks for visiting our blog
    I appreciate your comment and letting us know about this website of Kavidikali.

    1. This game is played across south India, not just Kerala. Only thing is, it is called by different names.
    2. The game board and the website is a little visually confusing for beginners, I suppose. Can you make it visually simple with less designs and patterns. Also texts are crowding around the game board which is distracting.
    3. The arrow-pathway for each player is a little too thick which once again a visual clutter.

    If you keep it simple, then the website would be lovely.

    Apart from that, your effort and concept is highly commendable. Keep up the good work.

  3. this version b1.2 gives better feel..........

  4. First time here, loved playing the game :) Gr8 job!! There should be a undo option somewhere... Its required when the player has only 1 coin left to reach destiny, but he gets 4 or 8 and then some other number makes a cut (he has to because that is the only coin left) But with his bonus throw he again gets 4 or something like that he is laready in inside circle so he cannot move further.... in such cases all his previous actions go nullified too including the cut
    Hope u understood what im trying to say

    Also is there a way to make more than 1 people play?


  5. @Raghu Dharmendra

    >"1. This game is played across south India,
    >not just Kerala. Only thing is, it is called
    >by different names."

    Yes, you are right; I learned this fact from your blog and some other websites. Thank you for the information, I have mentioned this in the homepage of Thank you for the valuable suggestions, will consider in future versions.

    @Febin - Thank You :)

    @ಪುಟ್ಟಿಯ ಅಮ್ಮ - Thank you for the feedback, I think I understood your point. There are some variations to the rules in different geographies. I have received some more such comments. Implementing all the suggested rules from all the geographies could make the game too complicated, so for the time being, I have to stick to the existing rules as published in the present KavidiKali help and tutorial documentation. Multi-player version is the #1 in the user requested feature list. It's been postponed due to some technical issues. I can only say that it is being considered but no target date yet.
